The Biogents Story
Science for Your Protection
For many years we have been researching and developing products for an effective and intelligent control of mosquitoes.
A scientific approach and continuous development enable the best possible catch rates and set us apart from our competition.

Biogents was founded in Regensburg, Germany, by Dr. Martin Geier and Dr. Andreas Rose. The company was created to further explore existing research into specific and environmentally friendly mosquito control applications. This was just the start of a 20 year journey into scientific research, field studies and product development for the professional and retail mosquito control market.

International patents are registered for the Biogents Counterflow Technology and Compositions for attracting blood-sucking arthropods. The Counterflow Technology mimics the way odours are emitted by a human body. This unique combination was developed at the University of Regensburg in over 16 years of research. Its efficacy is confirmed by scientists and other experts throughout the world.

Biogents forms a Contract Research and Development branch for independent product testing and performance studies on the efficacy of anti-mosquito products. The R&D capacities include mass-rearing facilities for mosquitoes, laboratory equipment for the study of a wide range of aspects in mosquito attraction (including unique olfactometers and test cages for a high-throughput testing of attractive stimuli), climate-controlled test rooms and a workshop with 3D-printers for rapid prototype construction. Beside both founders many Biogents team members are scientists and biologists who have an excellent record of scientific publications in the field of mosquito behavior, control of Dengue transmitting mosquitoes, and medical entomology. More than 150 articles have been published by members of the Biogents AG.

Launch of the BG-Sentinel mosquito trap and BG-Lure mosquito attractant for the researcher market used by scientists and health care professionals worldwide.

Biogents wins the World Bank Development Marketplace Competition for the development of innovative mosquito control techniques.

The EU Webshop is launched alongside the BG-Mosquitaire outdoor mosquito trap. The BG-Mosquitaire trap was specially developed against tiger mosquitoes, including the Asian tiger mosquito and the yellow fever or dengue mosquito.

A CO2 version of the BG-Mosquitaire is launched. By using the CO2 version with the addition of carbon dioxide, the trap's catch performance for tiger and yellow fever mosquitoes plus all other species can be increased further.

Biogents products enter retail stores, initially in France and now also across Europe.

Scientific proof of the reduction of yellow fever mosquitoes with Biogents traps in a multi-year field study in Manaus, Brazil (Degener et al. 2014).

BG-GAT is launched, a passive trap that targets female tiger mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs. It is a low-cost, non-electric and easy to use product designed specifically to reduce the nearby mosquito population.

Publication of a scientific paper on the use of Biogents mosquito traps in a one-year field study in Cesena, Italy, to reduce tiger mosquitoes (Engelbrecht et al. 2015).

BG-Sweetscent attractant is launched containing a patented formulation based on lactic acid developed by Biogents. A human’s skin scents are an important factor for mosquitoes to seek for and find their blood meal. Our BG-Sweetscent mimics these scents. This addition makes our traps highly attractive for Asian tiger mosquitoes and yellow fever mosquitoes - further increasing the efficacy of the traps.

The first remote mosquito counting system is launched for the research market using the patented infrared detection system to differentiate mosquitoes from other insects. The BG-Counter proves to be an invaluable tool in mosquito control for professionals, municipals, governments and researchers.

After successful EPA registration of Biogents attractants for the U.S. market the US online shop launches.

A scientific study from Southern France demonstrated the potential of a Biogents CO2 traps barrier system to significantly reduce Asian tiger mosquito biting pressure. The mosquito population has reached almost zero.

Launch of the first indoor mosquito trap: the BG-Home trap targets mosquitoes (especially tiger mosquitoes) and other flying pest insects at home.

Biogents and Soneva lead the way in sustainable mosquito management in the Maldives: With our Biogents traps, we support Soneva Fushi’s goal of being the Maldives first mosquito free island. In the past the extensive use of chemical fogging lead to a high level of resistance to the chemicals. With the help of the traps, they eliminated 98% of the mosquitoes on the island within one year. So the expensive conventional method with insecticides was nearly ineffective in comparison to our more eco-friendly and sustainable concept. Additionally the halting of the use of insecticides resulted in a greater variety of the island’s flora and fauna.

The BG-Pro system is launched for the professional market using the new patented cone shaped counterflow trapping system for mosquito monitoring and control. The trap offers highest flexibility with the functions of the most commonly used monitoring traps in one product.

The BG-Protector is launched as a robust mosquito trap, aimed at professional pest controllers.

Biogents and SBM Life Science, one of the global leaders in the Home and Garden sector, have signed an exclusive retail sales agreement covering all of Europe.

Our mosquito attractant is now the first and only one registered in Europe.

New and improved webshops are launched. Biogents is experiencing a high demand of products based on excellent results and positive consumer feedback.
Biogents AG is constantly developing new products and expanding the team as its market share continues to grow. A high percentage of Biogents employees is highly qualified in the field of biology, medical entomology, physics, and electrical engineering (with PhD, scientists with master degree or diploma, or degreed engineers).