Traps vs Spraying

Why Choose Mosquito Traps?

Save Money

Spraying requires regular treatments throughout the entire season, adding up to hundreds of dollars. Biogents traps work continuously without the need for costly, recurring applications.

Avoid Insecticide Resistance

Frequent insecticide use leads to mosquito resistance, making chemicals ineffective over time. Our traps do not contribute to resistance, ensuring long-lasting mosquito control.

More Effective, Longer Lasting Protection

Spraying only offers short-term relief—often wearing off within three weeks. Biogents traps reduce mosquito populations sustainably and effectively over time.

Protect Pollinators and Biodiversity

Insecticide spraying doesn’t just kill mosquitoes—it harms beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, contributing to insect population decline. Many mosquito traps using UV light also attract and kill harmless insects.

Biogents mosquito traps are different. They are designed specifically to target mosquitoes, including the Asian tiger mosquito, without harming other insects. Developed from over 20 years of mosquito research, our technology ensures precision and effectiveness.

Stop Spraying—Start Trapping!

Biogents mosquito traps are easy to use, highly effective, and perfect for backyards, businesses, and public spaces. With one of the highest catch rates on the market, our traps reduce mosquito populations over time—keeping your outdoor spaces comfortable and bite-free.

When placed correctly and used continuously near your gathering spots, Biogents traps provide powerful mosquito control, even for large properties. See our cost comparison below to understand how much you could save!

How Biogents Traps Work

Additional Mosquito Control Tips

Even the best traps work even better when combined with simple mosquito prevention steps.

Eliminate standing water

Mosquitoes breed in rain barrels, flower pots, and water cans. Cover or empty them regularly.

Use BTI mosquito control

Add biological mosquito control agents (like mosquito dunks) to standing water to kill mosquito larvae safely. Available in granular or liquid form at most garden and home improvement stores.

Check gutters and drains

Make sure water isn’t collecting in clogged gutters or plastic downspout extensions, as these are prime mosquito breeding sites.

Take Control of Your Outdoor Space

By reducing mosquito breeding sites and using Biogents mosquito traps, you can effectively lower mosquito populations—without harming the environment, spending a fortune, or relying on harmful chemicals.

Join thousands of satisfied users and make the switch today!

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