Mosquito Trap System Placement

There are some general guidelines for optimal positioning of the traps. It is important to realize that every space has its own unique characteristics. Test different locations to achieve the highest catch rates.

Parts of a Mosquito Trap System

The Target

There are over 3,000 mosquito species. Our traps are specifically designed for aggressive tiger mosquitoes. They are also very effective against the most common house and floodwater mosquitoes.

Mosquito Traps

BG-Mosquitaire trap for mosquitoes seeking a blood meal.

BG-GAT for female tiger mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs AFTER they have bitten.


BG-Sweetscent attractant for biting mosquitoes.

CO2 can be added to boost efficacy by up to 400% for all mosquitoes and biting midges.

Only water and our patented design are needed to attract mosquitoes to the BG-GAT.


When traps are properly positioned and run continuously throughout the mosquito season, they will efficiently and permanently decrease the mosquito population.

Trap Purpose and Selection

BG-Mosquitaire: Catching mosquitoes before they bite

The BG-Mosquitaire is designed to mimic a human, a primary target for blood-seeking female mosquitoes. Place these traps in a perimeter around the space you want to protect like you are creating a force field. We recommend at least one trap on either side of your space at least 15 ft away from the humans you like.

BG-GAT: Catching tiger mosquitoes before they breed

Our BG-GAT attracts pregnant female tiger mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs AFTER they have bitten. These traps should be placed closer to your living space. The mosquitoes are lured by the trap design itself, as well as the water inside.

Learn more about how the different traps work

Factors in Trap Placement

Our traps are among the best mosquito traps available, but mosquito control can be tricky, and several factors might affect their performance.

Coverage Area: While a single BG-Mosquitaire trap can cover about 300 sq. yards, you don't want to attract mosquitoes across your space. We recommend starting with at least two traps - one on either side. If you have tiger mosquitoes, add a BG-GAT set to round out your system.

Landscape: Place traps in shady, humid areas with vegetation where mosquitoes rest and hide from the wind.

  • Position the trap under overhanging plants, but keep 12-15 inches of space between the trap and the vegetation.
  • Try different spots—moving the trap just a few feet can make a big difference in how many mosquitoes you catch.

Build your best trap system.

We provide our expert recommendations based on our research and testing.

Choose your traps