Evergreen Award Winner - Biogents: Best Mosquito Trap in the USA of 2025

Evergreen Award Winner - Biogents: Best Mosquito Trap in the USA of 2025

At Evergreen Awards, they are proud to recognize Biogents as the winner of the Best Mosquito Trap in the USA of 2025. This prestigious award honors companies that demonstrate unparalleled innovation, effectiveness, and commitment to excellence in their industry. Among a...

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Does trapping mosquitoes take away a food source for birds and bats?

Does trapping mosquitoes take away a food source for birds and bats?

How do Biogents mosquito traps affect the environment?  In many countries, insecticides are used extensively to control mosquitoes, which are exterminated on a large scale there, not only because of mosquito bites, but because of disease transmission such as malaria,...

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Revolutionizing Mosquito Control: Insights for Pest Control, Island Management, and Hospitality

Revolutionizing Mosquito Control: Insights for Pest Control, Island Management, and Hospitality

A webinar with Dr. Bart Knols presenting mosquito trapping system for international PCOs in Southeast Asia region in Bangkok: Revolutionizing Mosquito Control: Professional Insights for Pest Control, Island Management, and Hospitality

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